Sunday, May 22, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 9: Course Reflection

My journey in English Honors is coming to an end. My experience in this class was very rocky for me. Even those somethings were easy, I made them hard for myself. I learned many new things through out the course I didn't know. I learned new words that I could use throughout my life time. I also learned the steps it takes to write a research paper. What I like most about the course is the reading. I enjoy reading books and in this course I discovered many genres of books. What I least liked about this course was the project at the end of the course and having at least two weeks to turn it in. I learned that procrastination is the number one thing that shouldn't be on your mind while trying to get a project done because it could lead into not finishing the assignment. I would definitely take this course again because I could learn better things and if I didn't do my best in this course, then I make some improvements if I were to take this course again.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 8: ACT Reflection

The ACT  is one of the hardest test I've ever taken. I had to really think about each question on every section. The section I struggled the most with was math.  I haven't tooken math since first semester so it was hard trying to remember the formula for certain problems. I really tried my hardest to get through the math section
     Ben C Rain prepared me for the test but not well enough. Even though we went over ACT math in intervention,  some students didn't take it serious.  I don't know what I made in the ACT, but I feel that I made a decent enough grade. I didn't do well with time at all because I wanted to take my time but I couldn't.  I think that I prepared myself well but not enough.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 7: The American Dream

The American Dream to me is for all citizens to have an equal opportunity in life. The American Dream is the ideal of freedom and being equal. My American dram is to become a veterinarian and a therapist. I plan to achieve this goal by taking my education serious and working and striving for the best grades. Some people may not work hard enough for their goal. If someone hits a bump in the road trying to achieve their goal, they will be ready to give up their goal.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Blog Post Assignment 6: Good Friday

A random act that I would do to celebrate good Friday is helping stray animals. I love animals so I feel that they need an owner who would love and take care of them. There are many stray animals without food.  I would buyback off food and have water and water bowls. I would take them to an annual shelter and help them find an home.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Post Blog Assignment 5:A Lesson Before Dying Chapter 8&9

1.) Chapter 8 page 63
"There was no freedom here. He said it but he didn't say it. But we felt it. By this Grant means that they felt it because of the way they were treated and the way they had to learn in school. They didn't learn about much. They only learned about flight. The teachers couldn't teach them freedom because the teachers didn't know how it felt to be free themselves.
2.)Chapter 9 page 79
"Go'n jeck switch." Jefferson said. By this he is basically telling them to stop the act that they are putting on and stop pretending like he is not going to die soo. He is acting this way because he really can't take in the fact that he will be dying soon and Miss Emma act as if everything is going to be alright like he is going to live.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Post Assignment 4: A Lesson Before Dying Chapter 4

3. "You hit the nail on the head." Chapter 4, page 29
This means that The person got something precisely right. This did not indicate a conflict, but it did lead into Grant and Vivian talking about being free like other people. It also symbolizes lack of freedom.

5.) "The colored people's places are at then back of town." Chapter 4 page 25.
This quotion lacks freedom because if they are separated from everybody else they don't feel like they are good enough and just want to be treated like everybody else, meaning having people except them even if they aren't the same color as them they are still human beings and deserves to have equal rights as well.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Post Assignment 3: A place You Want To Visit

A place I've always wanted to visit is Los Angles. I want to visit here because my grandfather told me stories. He use to tell me about how busy it was. Los Angles reminds me of New York. The city that never sleeps. The traffic is always hectic. I want to meet celebrities and visit the Hollywood walk of fame. I love to shop in big cities because of more stores and Los Angles are rumored to have the best clothing stores. I want to take pictures in front of the Hollywood sign. I hope to visit Los Angles in about 5 years. If I am able to visit here I hope to become a actress or musician.